Monday, March 31, 2008

We finally got pictures of Paige

Well a lot of people have been asking to see pictures of Paige from the hospital. Thanks to my brother in law I finally got them. Paige was born March 4, 2008 at 6:23 a.m. She was only 4 lbs. 6 oz. She was a full term baby too. What happened is I had an abnormal preeclampsia case where I showed no signs until the very end when it was to late. I went to the hospital for back and chest pains and it ended up I had Paige that morning. My blood pressure was so high that if I would have waited any longer then I did I most likely would have had a seizure at home.
They were going to induce me to get Paige out fast and I ended up actually going into labor on my own. When Paige was born everything was great with her except for she was small, but as time went on she started losing her body temperature and her sugar level went down. That is the reason they put her in the NICU.
Well she was being formula fed and they had to keep switching the formula because it would curdle in her stomach and she would throw it all up. After the third formula she took her stomach got too inflamed and she started having bloody stools. They then put her on a no eating diet for almost three days. I decided that I was going to pump so we didn't have to keep giving her different formulas. They slowly started giving her breast milk and she was doing great on it! They gave her more and more, but since she was so small her body was working to hard so at night she was going into such a deep sleep that she would forget to take big enough breathes so they had to put oxygen on her. Then she was so tired when she would wake up that she didn't have energy to eat so they had to put a feeding tube down her nose. By this time Jon and I were so frustrated and sad and scared that she wasn't going to be okay. we just wanted our little girl home with us.
To top it all off I started to get a fever. I thought it was just the Flu so I didn't go into the doctor. It was on the third day and with a fever of 103 that I decided it was probably a good idea to go in. It turned out my uterus was infected and I had a UTI. I was in the ER for a day taking care of that while my little girl was in the NICU without me.
After two weeks she started to get a hang of the eating thing and she was breathing on her own. She didn't like having the feeding tube down her nose anymore so she decided to rip it out. Not the smartest thing in the world, but I wouldn't like it down my nose either. We got to bring her home on March 20th.
I want to give a special thanks to all of my family and friends that were there for us in any way. Thank you for helping babysit, cooking meals, or just being there to talk to when we needed you. We love you guys and our so grateful to have you in our lives.


jenilynd said...

Mandi, these turned out soo cute!!!