Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'll get you Jenilyn!

I have been tagged by my sister Jenilyn


1. Post these rules.

2. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.

3. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.

There are a lot of unspectacular things about my life so to just narrow it down to 6 is going to be difficult. Well... hear we go!

#1- I have a phobia of eating turkey... yes turkey. I must have hated Thanksgiving as a kid or something.

#2- In my lifetime I hope to go skydiving, run a marathon, and donate 1,000 dollars to a charity.

#3- If you have read the Twilight series you will understand this one... I PREFER WEREWOLVES. There is something creepy about someone without a heartbeat.

#4- I am addicted to Rockstars! No not the ones in a band... the drink. Guava is my favorite, but I am not going to turn down a regular one either.

#5- I can't stand driving in Utah! People are in such a big hurry to get to where they are going that they will be jerks to whoever else is on the road.... man.... if I am already complaining about people driving, what am I going to do when I am old and have nothing better to do with my time.

#6- Last but not least.... If I were an animal I would probably be a chimpanzee... those monkeys are freaking hilarious. they look like they have such a good time. How could you not want to be one.

Well there you have it... pretty unspectacular huh. Well my pepes are going to be

- Karlie Badger ( I know Jen already put you on hers, but this means you HAVE to now)
- Jody Nice
- Shelley Smith
- Sarah Malstrom
- Mom White
- Susan Arrington

Get on it girls!!! Oh and a Jen you just wait... I will find a way to get you back


jenilynd said...

Bring it on! How did you get a picture of Kyle smiling? JUST KIDDING. I love the picture with the turkey though!

jody said...

Where did you get the pic of the turkey. That is so funny.

Jeff , Susan, Faith, and Molly said...

Sorry Mandi Im computer illiterate so if I can figure it out Ill play along it just may take a few months!