Thursday, April 2, 2009


Have you ever met someone and literally wanted to pull your hair out because they are so hard to be around????

I am in that situation and I am having a hard time with it. I have come up with a few solutions, but I need your help with which one I should use.

1- I could use my Kung fu skills and dispose of him/her.

2- I could cry in a corner for hours until I fall asleep

3- I could handle this like an adult and talk to the person in question

I was thinking #1 for a little while and then I decided maybe #3 would be better....


I don't know how to do that!!!!!!

Does ANYONE have any advice for me???


At the White House said...

Yo Mandi! Actually I love the little picture that you put with though it's frustrating (sorry) to you - you still make me laugh. I think I would say you've probably already done #2, so now try #3 and if that doesn't work....well....I'll have to ponder about #1. Good luck!

Karlie said...

So I'm guessing you can't avoid this person.....because that is what I would suggest. Gosh! I am reminded of a few people I couldn't stand. And with both I was first friendly and nice, I would talk to them all the time and then I found out I couldn't stand them so I was stuck. I just avoided them the best I could. That is why I quit Roth.I want to hear more.

Denise said...

Hey Mandi - this is Denise Chidester(Brian's wife). I am so glad you commented and I was able to find your blog. I seriously can't believe Paige is 1!!! Both of your kids are SOOO cute. I think Paige looks like your husband. It's so sad that we haven't even met her. Hopefully this summer we can all get together again. At least this way we can have a sneek peak into each other's lives!

jenilynd said...

Nah! Just go with number one! You have major Kung fu fighting skills along to go with your major blogging skills and scrapbooking skills. No, for real if you feel like you have to say something just say, in a nice calm voice, "hey, I feel like ......I don't mean to put you in the spotlight or put you down but this is how I feel." and hopefully from their it all goes well. Good luck and if it doesn't go well I will be here with ice cream.

Just Kristina... said...

Ummmm.... why isn't "hire a hit man" on your list? You may make it onto an episode of 48 Hours or 20/20 but it would fix your issue.

Hope you're doing well!!