Saturday, November 8, 2008

.... I am SOOOOOO SAD!!!

What to do what to do! I am so super sad, and I just don't know what to do about it.

I am not going to be with my adorable fun loving family for an ENTIRE week!

I won't be able to wrestle with Eli and cuddle with Paige. I won't get good night kisses from Jon.

Oh no.... my life is OVER!

Well at least I will be in San Fransisco buying a lot of things trying to make time go faster.

I hope nobody misses me as much as I am going to miss everyone else!


Johny and Sarah said...

San Fransisco?! Is this for your job?! I hope you have fun! No worries about not getting together. We have been busy too and my job this week as been crazy busy! i have hated every loving minute of house is mess and I need to pay bills but every free minute that I am not working is being spent with Audrie and trying to just keep sane! i would love to get with you and Jon when training slows down. Just give us a call! I had fun seeing Jenilynn....loved it and made me totally miss you!

jenilynd said...

O.K. this is going to be a long week if I have no one to talk to! You better buy me something good!

At the White House said...

That's funny....I was just telling Ken this morning that I missed you - and here you are saying the same thing! Hurry back! I hope your stay was a great expericence.