Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pictures of our new home

I know that they aren't the best pictures, but I am not a photographer. We went to the house to look around and measure windows and I took these pictures so I could remember what everything looked like. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
This is the Living room
This is the dining room
Our sanctuary (lol) the bathroom
The kitchen
The playroom
I think the best part about it was Eli was having so much fun there. He was checking out every nook and cranny there was. I think the only thing that we will have to change is the doorbell because when we tried it out it freaked Eli out. He went crying for Jon. I felt bad because I thought it was the funniest thing ever... Don't worry, I apologized for laughing.


Unknown said...

AAAAAAHHHHHHH! I love it! I can't wait to see it for real! It is beautiful. So neutral. You have great space to work with. It is the most wonderful thing to own your own home! You guys have come a long way!