Friday, June 6, 2008

We're officially BROKE!

Well we did it... we bought our home. Can we say STRESSFUL! Jon and I are super excited and can't wait to move in. I am planning to be moved in by the weekend because Jon and I are going on a much needed vacation on Sunday. ( I know I know... we timed it all wrong.) I have almost everything already packed all I need now are some big Muscular guys to come and move all the big stuff for us.
About our vacation, we are going to HAWAII for the next week to soak in the sun.... I wish.... we are actually going to Mesquite for a few days to get reconnected. After having kids it is hard to find time for each other so this will be a nice trip to talk to Jon and relax. Most likely we are going to SLEEP the entire time. It will still be a blast no matter what we do.


Unknown said...

NO FAIR!!!! You are so lucky to have someone you trust to leave your kids with. You deserve a break after all this moving stuff. I would say good timing. Like I said I can watch your kids Saturday morning until 2 or any time today so let me know.

jenilynd said...

have fun on you vacation! See you on Wednesday when you get the kids. I love the home. You will make it look so cute.

jenilynd said...

Boy, you haven't updated this in a while, what do you think you are moving or something??